Kenbe [keNbeh]v - to keep, to contend, to hold, to endure.

We believe architecture and construction are vital for progress.  By integrating a collaborative building process we have created jobs, improved local economies, developed trades, and reduce dependence on foreign aid.  Since 2011 Kenbe has worked in partnership with communities & organizations to design/build with local’s input, local materials, and local labor, which builds the foundation of change within the community.

Teach a man to fish...

Our approach enables communities to be purveyors of their own progress.  We develop designs with locals to suit lifestyles & consider local trades/materials resulting in new avenues for economic progress.

Funds for labor and management go straight into the community with financial management help from local organizations.  Our aim to use local materials such as bamboo, razwa, and latanyé strengthens local trades and spur local business.  This has proven to have a resounding effect on local welfare, long-term sustainability of new buildings, and the progress happening inside of them. 


Providing a hand up not a handout 

At the heart of Kenbe's success are the relationships and engagement with the communities.  We work with organizations to develop a local team with each new project who goes on to facilitate management, design, and construction. This not only strengthens the economy but more importantly elevates social capital by proving the possibility for success.

Kenbe brings ideas, people, and hard work together to create long-lasting buildings that will continue to cultivate pride for generations.