With no roads into Bas-Citronniers people build using local bamboo, palm and bwa chen. Bamboo proved to be the best fit for the school due to its unique properties and rapid regrowth.
 Local ladies trained in the craft of latanye weaving (coconut leaves) worked as a team to make the screening which takes advantage of the trade winds and filters the southern light through the classrooms.  
 the light weight hyper-parabolic roof section is hand lifted onto the reinforced concrete posts before the painted on acrylic cement mixture is applied. 
 Construction of our first building in Haiti in the town of Gressier, which is located 15 mile south west of Port-Au-Prince.  This town serves as a suburb of PaP as well as a large agricultural area.  Jobs are tough to come by with over 80%
 low impact construction with digital fabricated frame provides the integrity required for a safe, long lasting medical clinic. The building came in shipping containers and was erected on site by locals. 
 block construction structurally engineered with certified engineers in california.